Getting Creative with CTV

If you’re in tune with the television media world, you’ve certainly seen the topic of Connected TV (CTV) soar in popularity over the last year. The excitement is justified. CTV has grown at a rapid pace. It presents advertisers with new, innovative targeting and measurement capabilities. And its future is clearly bright.

However, there’s something missing from the conversation. Creative. You don’t hear a lot about the content opportunities. I point it out because there are noteworthy creative offerings available with CTV, too.

So, I thought I’d share a few ways we can all get creative with CTV.

Customize your message(s)

One of the beauties of CTV is its highly-focused audience targeting. This not only presents attractive media-buying opportunities, but it also gives us a chance to build different spots to engage different viewers.

For example, if you’re selling a product that benefits or speaks to single people differently than married folks, you can adapt your message and spot accordingly. Also, as in digital, you can center a campaign solely on those who have previously visited your website. Retargeting, likewise, brings the chance to alter your message and get tactical with this interested consumer. Consider lower-funnel messaging, like reasons to act now or supporting testimonials that offer added reassurance and confidence.

Introduce a basic overlay

In advertising, we’re always looking for ways to stand out. A very simple CTV offering is to surround your commercial with an overlay or backdrop. This visual look, all by itself, delivers a natural distinction from other commercials. So that’s win.

Within the confines of this overlay, you can also introduce extra messaging. Take advantage of it! Highlight a special offer, a call to action, your website, or a QR code. And if you’re targeting locally, you can even list out nearby retail locations.

Add an interactive overlay

Taking the overlay one step further, you can prompt viewers and their remotes to engage with your brand. While they’re watching your spot, the overlay can direct them to take all sorts of actions. Discover more products. See additional content. Request more information. Take a quiz. Enter a sweepstakes. Find a location. Scan a QR Code. Or likely, any other interactive idea your creative team can brainstorm.

Multiple Viewing Options

What message are viewers most interested in? Try serving up a couple of video options and let them choose. The videos could be pointed at different target groups. Each video could present a distinct selling point or topic. This not only offers a real-market messaging test, but it gives viewers a unique way to engage with your brand. You can include an overlay with this option, too. Another multi-video direction would be to showcase a variety of products, services or benefits. Rather than commingle a collection of products into one spot, separate each one out and let viewers learn about them individually.

As you can see, there is a pretty healthy list of creative opportunities in the CTV space. Opportunities that can be used both to enhance messaging and drive response. I can only imagine they will continue to grow as the medium does. If you’re interested in learning more about CTV, take a look at our Speaker Series featuring experts from Disney+, Roku and Samsung.


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